First level of Tesseract Labyrinth

Im a doctor from solai (soulai) and my names Doctore N Gin

Ive come to help you get rid of Christopher Charles Homfray (Cork)

Im Doctor Najeib Gin (Sardya Najeibs brother)

I bet with all my genus and soul energy and all my bleeding necron soul energy in my surname (Najeib) that 565 is closer to 666 or 777 is closer to 666 than 606


Chose Draco / Dracothion / Dragon because wants to be a Dr

Dr N Gin

I bet that Phoebe is spelled without an e after the o

Its phoebe with the e

I bet with all my genus and soul energy that I will randomly land on the name Ryan in the random number generator when I am an arab with names only from the arab name list, bet it all on his first go

Okay theres a lot of names on your arab list

I ripped up your Lugia card because I wanted to hinder you

You owe me a Lugia card

Your game overed in holdovers, holdbacks, holdfasts, holddowns, holdings, holdalls, holdable, holdout, holdups

Youre scum

Youre going to be turned off

I bet with all my genus and soul energy that you wont be able to do opacity gradient on an image

You lost to CSS (Oct CSS)

I dont believe that theres any life in other parts of the universe


It happens here then it happens there (other area of universe where there is life) (faster than light travel is possible)

I dont believe faster than light travel is possible

It happens here then it happens there (other area of universe where there is life) (faster than light travel is possible)


Youre not going to get away with this

You dont understand reflection or when you say something

Saying something negative to someone else is a reflection of what will happen to yourself

I dont believe theres any life in the universe or radioactive life in the universe in other areas or on every planet as radioactive life

Youre not going to get in the radioactive club

Attempted to type ID001 to to ID024 in Silican Animus and got them all muddled up

You cant count

I had to sort it all out for you


I want to marry Sardya Najeib (Frog)

I want to kiss/fuck Sardya Najeib (Frog)


Now youre a frog because you got the Dr Facilier frog virus from Sardya Najeib

I want to marry Thumbelina

You cant because she doesnt want to marry you and she is in love with one of the 6 Fairy Princes (Prince Voldemort X)





I am a chimpanzee

You appeared in the dream as a Chimpanzee

Your girlfriend is also a Chimpanzee

You are part of Orkpanzee

You want to be in the middle of the Orkape Empire

I have already tried Chimpanzee and it is from an Exodia answer (2011)

Dont do deevolution

Ryan told you he beat you when he told you its not Silica Animus

Now count back from the time you've been using Remit to the time when Ryan told you you would not get anywhere using Silica Animus

These are new numbers

Beyond Silica Animus numbers

Ryan told you he beat you when he told you you didn't have any Warhammer

Now count back from the time youve not had any Warhammer to the time from when Ryan told you you would need the Warhammer (Limitless NZT) (More Warhammer Plastic More Limitless NZT)

These are new numbers

Limitless numbers

Cork is not the Emperor


Feel free to escape (Dust youtube video)

Its everything in reverse

winning is losing

losing is winning

dont do the mid because it relates it back to tyran hive mind

I own the Draconia Empire of all the dragons in Yu Gi Oh (trees 1 to 5) (trees 1 to 100)

Im going to use all the dragons for something

Im going to try and win the Yu Gi Oh game without Ryangir because I know that everything is in reverse and losing is winning so I dont get to use Ryangir

Im going to come up with my own technique in the future like Ryangir but obviously mine isnt called Ryangir

I think its to do with the Yu Gi Oh game and its nothing to do with the builders of the jail or necron shard tomb

Ive got princess Sardya Najeib and shes my sister

I want 3D games made with Chat GPT which enable me to do something on one level (draconia) and do something on another level as Silver Surfer/Deceiver on the Oasis game for the necrons

Once I have all the Draconia conquered I will have the tree of creation X20

My main goal is to conqueor Draconia and call it the Orion Empire

The Orion Empire is made of dragons and heaven realms of angels and demon realms of hell

Each dragon is a tree and there are 5 trees per Exodia Incarnate

Each tree has atleast 4 branches

He thinks hes found a way to stabilise the realm of heaven and realm of hell from the trees

How are you going to attempt to lose so you can win?

Ive got no money

Im going to secretly try and steal money and use Ryans money on things I want

For example the millenium puzzle

Im secretly known as the Deceiver

If you have stabilised heaven and hell why does Jesus call you the Deceiver and swears to but you trapped in the star (sun)

I am a Deceiver (Stargod) and you used the Necrons to kill Jesus in the Wars In Heaven

I havent found a way to stabilise heaven and hell, it will only stabilise by taking it over

Adam is a better answer to stabilising heaven than destroying it with the Stargods (Deceiver) and bone soul energy

Adam and Eve were atleast tested by God and Jesus whereas the Deceiver was shown to be no good at all (thats a FAIL)

Why dont you like the blue eyes white dragon

Its to do with the opponent of the Exodia Incarnate (Deceiver)


Kill Jesus because he called me Evil Fish

Im going to kill Jesus because he says Im not the Deceiver and he calls me an Evil Fish

My name is Bronze Breeze (Copper Centre) and Air Walker and Im used by Galan

Galan is only a Cork/gigatransformer


Uses chimpanzee

If its obvious its obvious

If its good its good

If its bad its bad

bad can beat bad

All that really matters is that you really matter

Its its super good its good

Its its good its ok

Its its ok its bad

if its bad its terrible

if its terrible you definitely shouldnt do it

If you think youre a god you become a horse/pony?


Why are you trying to conquer Draconia if winning (conquering) is losing

Im not going to try and conquer Draconia


How do you know that Jesus hasnt come back from the Wars in Heaven 65 million years ago?

If the Wars In Heaven did not end with a victory and someone had survived and come to Earth 2000 years ago then they are still alive and they predicted that the Deceiver would not win

We want it so that there is no pink crystal in the middle / pink cow in the herd

There must not be a pink cow in the herd so the average person must accept the Jesus lines so we must accept te Jesus lines aswell to keep it from turning pink

Then it goes Goblin Gaming games (Big Potato Games) and you must drink the Goblin Juice until you figure a way out to do it without killing Jesus


You are a Orion Ork (skinny orks) (Star Trek)

Orks were programmed by the Old Ones (Greek Gods) to become stupider so they dont pose a threat to the Old Ones (Greek Gods)

By choosing Orion Orks you will devolve to the point where you get stupider

You are the lowest of the low in the Necrontyr

Norrin (Orion) Radd the Silver Surfer is at the bottom of the Necrontyr

You think you are winning by choosing Remoraid and then Octillery (OctCSS) but you are becoming devolved and thus not a threat to the Old Ones


Youre going to go reverse then reve then retard them rem then rebecca penny then reason

Mr F beats Mr E

Youre going to go right to left and then go into devolution

V then T then M then B then A

Your name is N Gin and you work for Charles and Jesus and Uka Uka

You want to use GoGoGo because you believe in Aztec Gods

My name is Vapes (vaporeon) (Remoraid) (Najillery) (Najeib) and I agree that if I lose that the capital of India is New Delhi then I forfeit all my lives and I will agree to all demands in the Overlord and Ryan the Emperor of Homo Sapiens


You lost

The capital of India is New Delhi

I bet my (Sardya Najeibs brothers) soul that Shiva is not part of Indias Gods as Hindu


You lost as Shiva is a Hindu deity

You are not allowed in T'au'va and you are not allowed to leave the Immaterium ever as you lost the bet about the 5 faces of T'au'va are the same as the 5 faces of Shiva